Claro Speed Test

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Average Claro Internet Speed

13.98 Mbps
Download Speed
7.07 Mbps
Upload Speed
107 m/s
Ping Latency

 What Does Claro Speed Test Measure? Testing the speed of the internet connection is simple. Simply click on the go button and you will get the test results in a moment. The Claro Speed Test will measure the upload and download speeds (as well as other data such as latency, which you can compare to the ISP’s advertised internet speeds. But there is more to internet speed than simply the numbers. We will walk you through all the details of measuring the internet speed and what the speed denotes for you.

What Does The Internet Speed Test Measure?

Let’s begin with the basics. The internet speed is actually measured in bits (a single binary 0 or 1) per second. The internet connections can really handle a lot of such data, so we frequently speak about speeds in Mbps (megabits per second), which is actually a million bits for each second. 

When internet speeds get really fast (1000 megabits per second or faster), we speak about them in Gbps (gigabits per second), which is actually a billion bits for each second. (1000 megabits per second = 1 gigabit per second)

  • Download Speed:

It is also referred to as bandwidth. The download speed actually measures how fast data from your internet gets to the device (for instance, how fast the Netflix show loads). It is frequently measured in Mbps (megabits per second), although really fast internet connections are measured in Gbps (gigabits per second). The download speed is particularly significant for uses such as downloading software or streaming high-quality video.

  • Upload Speed:

Just as the download speed refers to how fast information gets to the device, upload speed refers to how fast data on the device can be sent to some other device on your internet (like how fast the vacation images are posted to Instagram). 

For the majority of internet connections, download and upload speeds are usually diverse, but when you check out the internet plans advertised by speed, they are generally focusing only on the download speed.

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What’s Latency?

One other significant measurement for the internet speed is lag or latency. It is extremely diverse from bandwidth, albeit both handle the speed of the internet connection. Latency actually refers to the time it really takes for data to be sent from the PC to the internet service provider and returned. High latency can direct to more buffering on watching a video, but it is much more disturbing in activities such as online gaming or video chat.

What Determines The Internet Speed?

If there is one thing that everybody acquaints about the speed, it is that not all the internet connections are made equal. Most internet service providers provide several plans with diverse internet speeds, but frequently such plans also make use of diverse technologies for connecting you to your internet. Though a few are considerably faster than the others, there’re also other advantages and disadvantages besides just the speed.

  • Cable Internet:

It makes use of copper wires, just like the cable TV. Cable provides extremely fast internet speeds, between 25 megabits per second and 1000 megabits per second (1 gigabit per second), but it also has some disadvantages. Internet connections are usually shared between neighbors, which denotes wired networks get congested throughout peak hours. 

The cable also provides much higher download speeds than uploading speeds. It is not a problem with cable TV since the broadcasts go in just one direction, but it can be an issue for a few online activities on the cable internet.

  • DSL:

Digital subscriber line or DSL makes use of the existing telephone networks, but it attains much higher internet speeds than the dial-up, anywhere from 0.5 megabits per second to 75 megabits per second. It is not much faster than the satellite, and the speed is affected by the distance to the central office of your Internet Service Provider.

  • Satellite Internet:

It makes use of a satellite signal for wirelessly connecting to the house. The satellite can provide you with the broadband speeds required for doing things such as watching a video, but it is still a comparatively slow and pricey option. 

The satellite internet speeds actually range from five megabits per second to 25 megabits per second. Also, since the signal needs to reach the satellite in orbit, it’s extremely high latency. The good thing is that you can get it just about anywhere in the United States, even in remote areas.

  • Dial-Up Internet:

It is the slowest type of connection and is really slow for uses such as watching a video. It cannot hit the broadband speeds, frequently topping out around fifty kbps (just 0.05 Mbps), though relying on your service, it can be even slower. It is frequently pretty cheap, but there are much better inexpensive choices these days.

  • Fiber Internet:

It can connect you to the web through fiber-optic wires. Fiber is the most reliable and fastest type of internet service, with internet speeds ranging from fifty megabits per second to 2000 megabits per second (2 gigabits per second). It also has the advantage of symmetrical upload speeds. In simple words, the uploads are as fast as the downloads.

By comprehending what type of internet connection you actually have, you ought to have a great idea of how fast the internet connection ought to be. The question, though, is how much speed you are really receiving from the connection.

Tips For Getting The Most Accurate Internet Speed:

Testing the speed is simple, but how do you really obtain the most accurate measurement of the connection? Here’re some things you can do for getting the most accurate speed test results:

  • Pause The Automatic Downloads:

First of all, make certain you are not downloading any huge files in the background. You can check the Windows Task Manager or the macOS Activity Monitor to check if any apps are trying to download any available updates or other huge files. Quit or close all the applications on the PC. You may still have a few background processes utilizing your internet but nothing that’d make a huge impact.

  • Get Rid Of The Freeloaders:

Next, make certain that nobody else on the home network is making use of a chunk of the bandwidth. You are not gonna get accurate results if you’ve individuals watching Netflix in three diverse rooms of the home while you test. If you think you may have somebody stealing the wifi or a few other freeloaders on the home network, you can also change the network password.

Check For Wireless Router Problems:

A lot of individuals argue that you ought to always plug the PC directly into the router using the Ethernet wire before you test the internet speed. While it provides a more accurate measure of what the internet service provider is giving you, it does not assist much if you are still getting slow internet speeds where you usually utilize the devices.

We recommend that you check the speed where you most frequently utilize the PC. If the internet speed is less than what you actually expect, try to plug it into the router. If you see a dramatic increase in internet speed, it may be time to acquire a better router.

So, What Do The Speed Test Results Mean?

Once you acquaint exactly how many megabits per second you are getting over the connection, what do you really carry out next? First of all, you have to make certain you can interpret the results. 

There is no need to make an angry call to the internet service provider because you are disbursing for gigabit internet but just receiving upload speeds of thirty megabits per second. If you have a cable connection, that is completely normal, and it almost certainly still has ample upload speed for the requirements.

Interpreting Download Speeds:

The most significant number from the speed test is the download speed. That is what is gonna determine how many devices the network can really support, how fast data downloads, and how high the quality of the video can be.

If you’ve got DSL, you ought to expect the speed to be a little slower than the advertised speed because of the distance from the central hub, but there is also no way of improving it unless you move the entire home closer (or switch to a diverse connection type).

If you’ve got cable internet and the test result is low, you are almost certainly facing congestion problems from the other houses in the area. Try to test the speed at some other time when the neighbors are less likely to be using their internet. If you are hitting good download speeds outside of the peak-use times, there is nothing wrong with the internet connection. That is just how wire works.

Checking The Latency:

If you stream live video or play online games, you also desire to pay attention to the latency. If the latency is down below twenty ms (milliseconds), your experience ought to be absolutely smooth. If the latency is above 150 milliseconds, you are gonna have a few significant problems with lag. 

A few lag problems cannot be resolved because that would denote changing the physics laws. Even going at close to the speed of light, it actually takes time for the signal to get to the server in South Korea. Other lag sources can be copped with. Replacing the old router can decrease latency. 

Connecting to the router directly through an Ethernet cable instead of using wifi will make a great difference in stopping lag. Lastly, you can upgrade to a connection type with lower latency, such as fiber.

Diagnosing Issues:

If you have done everything you really can to get the most precise speed test and the download speeds are still very low, what the internet service provider promised, could denote some various things.

  • Out-Of-Date Hardware:

You may have out-of-date hardware that is incompatible with the requirements of your ISP. For instance, Xfinity’s gigabit services need a DOCSIS 3.1 modem. Even though DOCSIS 3.0 equipment can technically reach up to gigabit speeds, Xfinity does not support that.

  • Malware:

You may have malware on the device. Network worms and other malevolent programs take over part of the bandwidth, but it’s frequently the least of the worries. Run your antivirus program for checking and removing any malware.

  • ISP Problems:

There may be an issue with the ISP’s infrastructure. At times these are simply the network interruptions triggered by the internet service provider’s upgrading part of the network or just doing the maintenance. It can also be a more serious issue that can be resolved just by the ISP. If you have explored the other alternatives and are still having problems, call the customer service of your internet service provider.

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  • Malfunctioning Equipment:

If the internet speed is slower than you expected, but there are no issues with the internet service provider, there may be an issue with the equipment. Reset the router and modem by switching them off, waiting for some time, then switching them back on. 

Try to connect to the router via an Ethernet wire instead of using a wifi connection. If you are already utilizing a wired internet connection, try to swap out the Ethernet wire for a diverse one. You can also try to perform the speed test from a diverse device to check if you receive the same results.