Iinet Speed Test

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Average Iinet Internet Speed

49.73 Mbps
Download Speed
12.53 Mbps
Upload Speed
1993.20 ms
Ping Latency

iiNet speed test is a well-liked Australian company that provides phone and broadband services. They provide fiber optic wired internet, which offers the fastest connection possible, and wireless network for the people who live in rural areas. It also provides VOIP service, which comprises unlimited national, local, and international calls to mobile phones and landlines at no additional charge. The company has been working for over twenty years now, with more than one million users across Australia.

How Does Speed Test Work?

Once you click on the go button, the IINET Speed Test sends data packets up from the device to the network of local test servers and back again. It calculates the actual speed the connection is experiencing for uploads and downloads and also shows the ping value (the time it actually takes for the connection to respond to your request).

Get The Results In Just A Few Seconds:

Once the internet speed test is completed, take note of the upload and download speeds. There are numerous results you will get with the speed test, but the most significant ones to look for are the upload and download speeds.

  • Download Speed:

It’s how fast you get packets of data from the net. Figuring out if the net's running slower than it ought to make certain you know what speed tier the net plan is on.

  • Upload Speed:

It’s how fast you can send packets of data to the net. It is frequently less significant than the download speed unless you upload lots of huge data files.

Check this also: Aussie Broadband speed test online

What Does Good Broadband Really Look Like?

The broadband speed outcomes are normally broken down in to diverse numbers showing the download and upload speed and latency or delay. It may sound a little complicated, so if you are looking for benchmarks for comparing the broadband performance against, here are some values to actually look for. 

  • Packet loss ought to be less than one percent.
  • Jitter ought to remain under 30 milliseconds
  • Ping or latency ought to not go over 150 milliseconds or 300 milliseconds for a round trip

The upload and download speeds ought to match the values specified by the broadband service provider for the internet plan unless you are on VDSL or ADSL and live far from an exchange or cabinet.

Things That Can Affect The Net Connection:

  • Capability And Quality Of Hardware:

It can comprise wifi routers, modems, and Ethernet or phone cords. The older routers might not appropriately support modern services.

  • The Physical Infrastructure:

Examples comprise the quality and length of copper cabling Utilized in a network, the capacity at the local exchange, and the international cords’ capacity.

  • Network Congestion:

For instance, when speeds slow down throughout the peak traffic in the evenings.

  • The Number Of Devices Connected:

When a lot of devices share the same bandwidth, the flow of data is limited, so the connection will run slower.

  • Which Content Is Being Accessed:

There might be an inadequate server or other problems affecting an online game or specific site.

How Can You Speed Up The Broadband Connection?

Lots of technology sits between you and the data on the web you want. Think of it as a sequence of links, with every link accountable for some performance component. There are a few links in the sequence you cannot do much about, but others you can really optimize and strengthen for improving the broadband speed. 

You can make use of a few practical steps for improving the overall experience and broadband performance, such as upgrading your router, getting the fastest broadband, optimizing the home network, extending the network coverage, upgrading/updating the devices, and finding the right provider.