Why Do I Get Different Speed Test Results Speed Test
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Average Why Do I Get Different Speed Test Results Internet Speed
The truth is, every time you run a speed test on your Internet connection, the result will be different. This is because there are so many potential variables that can impact your results to change from one day to the next.
It's always normal for a Speed Test to report lower speeds during peak hours (such as weeknights) and higher speeds during off-peak hours (like weekends). The same goes for days of the week. Speeds tend to be slower on Saturdays and Sundays due to more people being online at those times.
Other factors like line condition, server congestion, or certain sites not fully loading due to browser issues could affect you getting accurate measurements as well. Even the weather can affect how fast your connection runs! In addition, real-world speeds may vary depending on your location and the technology you are using (DSL, Cable, or Fiber).
So why do I get different speed test results?
It's because many of these factors can affect the outcome every time you run a speed test.
'Network' vs 'Speed Test' Results: What's The Difference?
A Speed Test is what we call it when you're testing your broadband Internet connection to see how fast it is. This uses an application running on your computer that connects to one of our servers at Ookla via the Internet. You can then look at your 'Receive' or 'Upload' speeds in Mbps (Megabits per second), as well as other information including your ISP and the time and date you ran the test.
Comcast's speed test is one example of a Network Test, which is performed by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). In this case, it tests your connection to Comcast's servers. Normally when you run a 'Network' speed test, you'll see results for Download Speed, Upload Speed, Latency (Ping), Jitter (Variations in ping), and sometimes even an IP Address. These are specific to each service provider using their own terms or language for how they measure these metrics.
The other potential reason may be that if you're using an ISP-provided Network test, it may not measure exactly the same things as our speed test application. They might combine download and upload speeds into one metric, but we break them apart since each is different. We also show throughput – like megabytes per second rather than bits per second – to make it easier to understand and compare apples to apples.
Speed tests are useful for checking your line quality (especially if you have a long run or lots of interference around your house), but they aren't something you can rely on 100% when it comes to actual speeds. Let's take a look at why...