Speed Test Results Good or Bad Speed Test

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Average Speed Test Results Good or Bad Internet Speed

Download Speed
Upload Speed
Ping Latency

BAD Internet Speed:

High speed, more data transmission. Faster is better, right? Not always. Most people do not want faster downloads and uploads. We may "think" we want them, but most of us would be happier with a reliable lower-speed connection with fewer dropped packets than a high-speed one that keeps getting interrupted by slower users hogging the bandwidth or going in and out of service because it's so overloaded.

Faster can also mean higher latency -- some gamers hate playing over anything other than low ping connections for this reason (though I have never had any problems gaming even on satellite).

Good Internet Speed:

As much as many customers complain about their cable or DSL lines being slow or unreliable, many others are in love with their high speeds. To the power users, faster is better. Faster speeds make it possible to use more devices in a household or office, and still, have plenty of capacity left over for everyone's needs.

 That 20Mbps internet connection in your home would be enough for two people surfing the web with one watching Netflix on multiple devices - but what if three laptops are being used? Add in two smartphones, an iPad or tablet, another TV streaming video from a different room, and someone making VoIP calls on Skype or Google voice while playing online games: suddenly that same 20Mbps connection isn't going to cut it anymore. It may not even provide acceptable service at peak usage times when everyone wants to do something else at once!

The first part of determining how fast your connection speed is by using a free online speed test tool. There are two types of speed test tests — one that checks download speeds and another for upload/ server speeds.

Download speed refers to what quickness at which files can be downloaded from websites while Upload refers to the file's ability to be uploaded from your computer onto a remote location on the Internet such as an FTP site.

Types Of Speed Tests And Their Uses:

The following are some websites that offer free downloads in order to perform these tests.

Greenfield Online:

The program is excellent with a large database of servers to choose from. It's very simple to use in either the Windows or Mac version.

Intel Lan Speed Test:

Excellent download speed test but poor upload speed test, good for desktop users. Laptop Users may want another program. Note: this is not one that will work on Wii console as it requires java 1.4 or higher and your Wii does not meet that requirement, if you have a PC nearby though then this should work fine.

This software package includes the following testing programs:

  • Ping (ICMP Echo)
  • Trace Route (Trace IP Routing Path)
  • DNS Lookup
  • Whois,
  • Port Scan ( TCP connect timing out).

Can also perform network gaming latency and lag tests - ping, portscan and traceroute.

Ping Test:

  • Excellent Speed test for Wii console if you have a PC nearby.

Bandwidth Meter:

  • Does not work on Wii but good download speed tester for desktops and laptops.


  • Like the greenfield program, a large database of servers to choose from. Another Windows or Mac version similar to Greenfield Online.

most consumers don't need 25Mbps or 50Mbps residential internet connections, despite what we think when our connection seems slow because of family members watching Netflix in different rooms, multiple TV streams from gaming systems in use by several people on one network, etc.

Modem manufacturers prefer that every modem sold be capable of the fastest possible data rates -- hence DOCSIS 3.0 vs. 2.0 vs. 1.1 modems, etc. 

Router manufacturers like the fastest speeds for routers as well -- their latest and greatest wireless-AC routers can't use most of their theoretical maximum speed with current home internet connections! We all want to be on the bleeding edge, but very few people ever really need or will even use those high speeds in real-life scenarios.